Sunday Morning Schedule
First Service: 9:00–10:00 AM*
The 9 a.m. service is a vibrant, spirit-filled, liturgical and traditional service honoring and celebrating historical Lutheran ritual. It incorporates a broad spectrum of music and is led on a rotational basis by the chancel choir and the worship team, with the two groups combining on occasion to form a large choir. We also provide staffing in the nursery for children under the age of 5 during this service.
Faith Formation: 10:05 - 10:35 AM
- Kid's Faith Groups (Sunday School) for age 3 through 6th grade (upstairs)
- Adult Forum (in the Choir Room on the first floor)
- The nursery is staffed for children not ready for Sunday School (located on the first floor near the bathrooms)
- On the first Sunday of each month, all ages gather for a service project
Second Service 10:45–11:45 AM*
The 10:45 a.m. service is a vibrant, spirit-filled, contemporary and innovative service, exploring and developing new rituals, focusing on the music of our own time and led on a rotational basis by several bands and various band leaders. We also provide staffing in the nursery for children under the age of 5 during this service.
Nursery for children under the age of 5: 8:50–12:00 p.m. **
Children's Church available during the sermon.
Our sanctuary is ADA accessible. The ramp for the building is located from our parking lot located off Stanley Street.
* HOLY COMMUNION: Jesus welcomes everyone to his table and so we offer to everyone, without exception, to share in Holy Communion. If you would like to receive communion with us you are welcome. You are also invited to receive a blessing or refrain from communing. Communion is served every Sunday at both services.
* *NURSERY CARE (AGES 0-4): Children are always welcome in worship—even when noisy. However, we also offer a nursery for children's care. Our nursery staff have all passed background checks and are equipped to care for your child while you worship with us.
Would you like to become a worship helper? What does that entail? Learn more here.