We are a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). We are people of all ages and backgrounds who desire to follow Jesus and share his love with others. Whether you are just starting to ask questions or are secure in your faith, you are welcome here! If you are looking for a church home, we would love the opportunity to become that for you. We hope you will take a few minutes to get to know us by paging through our site.
What's it like at Elim?
Our worship services are pretty casual. Our first service is slightly more formal and uses a liturgy, and you'll hear more hymn-like music; old favorites mixed with more modern music that is becoming our new favorites. The second service features a band that leads the music, and we do not follow a liturgy at that service. We share communion at both services every Sunday. After the service, you are invited to the Fellowship Hall for visiting and coffee.
What about my kids?
Kids are welcome at both services, and there is a Children's Message right before the sermon. At the second service, we frequently follow the Children's Message, with children invited to the Fellowship Hall for crafts and singing with volunteers. They return at the end of the sermon. There is also a nursery available for children who are four and younger, located on the first floor near the bathrooms.
Where do I park?
We have a parking lot located on Stanley Street at the side of the church. There is also parking available on the streets around the church.
What do I wear?
Come as you are! (Well, within reason!) Some people like to dress up a little bit in business casual type clothing, while others are more comfortable in their "weekend" clothes, like jeans.
How can I get connected?
The best way to get connected is to jump in! Perhaps visit the Adult Forum first. Then try the Tuesday night Adult Bible Study and meet some great people. If you like to serve, come on the third Thursday of the month to the Food Pantry, where we always need more volunteers. We also have women's groups that meet at different times during the month and a Men's Breakfast every Saturday morning.